Friday, August 27, 2010

Eagle pattern update

I noticed that on Ravelry someone was having a lot of trouble with the Eagle pattern from my set of Political Animal Appliques so I decided to take a look at what I currently had available as a pattern.


No wonder the poor soul suffered. That is one crap pattern.

I am pretty obviously still polluting the web-o-sphere with some horribly truncated mutant ... oh, let us call them "patterns" for lack of a succinct term that defines an almost random collection/list of ethereally defined yet mostly standard abbreviations for crochet stitches.

My major bad.

So, now I'm taking steps to do round-ups and updates on some of the more ornery miscreants. Starting with the Eagle applique.

Would greatly appreciate any feedback on the update. I put in a lot of structural details hoping to clear up the intent of some of my hook juggling. I fear this may have made the pattern more confusing.


Hook On!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Cat Loaf applique update

Another pattern rescued from the arcane and cryptic shorthand world from which all my instructions hail.

Kitty Cat Loaf in applique now available as free PDF download at Ravelry:

Again, much thanks to KittyDobson for the interest and request.

Hook On!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Stretchy Kitty Applique update

It is said that the road to perdition is paved with good intentions and now we can add another one of my old patterns onto the tarmac: Stretching Kitty applique has now been revised/translated.

Thanks to KittyDobson for requesting the update. A memory-elf is exactly what I've been needing - not that I've become absent mind... what was I talking about? ;-)

The Cecinatrix