Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Saint Patty Catty

I've pretty obviously been on the cat-plique bandwagon for quite some time now and planned to continue along the same vein with a green cat as St. Patrick complete with bishop miter, crook staff, green robes, and fleeing snakes. But alas, time ran short.

I considered paring down the idea to St. Patrick's younger cleric days and have a green kitty with a white priest's collar but I wasn't sure if it was specific enough. Green cat priest is funny but ultimately too vague even with a snake dangling from his little mouth or maybe just under his paw. And of course, legend proclaims that Ireland's patron saint drove the snakes away, nothing was said about killing them or even merely standing on them.

So, short on time and eager to do something for the day, I settled on the little green kitty with golden yellow eyes and a leprechaun-style belt as collar.

Wishing you all the luck of the day.

Hook On!


Unknown said...

I am so in love with all of you kitty cats. I have been looking for a very long time for cat appliques to add to the blocks i have been making for a blanket. The only problem that i am having is i can't seem to download anything and i also don't own a printer. So i physically have to sit at my computer and work it that way. Or copy it in writing. That is going to suck but i think it is going to be well worth it. I am for sure going to do your St.Patrick's Day kitty. Gosh it is so cute. I also plan on doing one of your cat pack attack cats. You are very talented and i really enjoyed reading your blog. I just hope my kitties turn out half as good as yours did. Keep on making these pretty little kitties. Oh by the way i had a ton of fun playing with the black kitty that puuurrrs and meows. That is the first time i have seen something like that, i didn't know you could find something like that. Again thank you so much for helping me find exactly what i needed.
Your #1 FAN !!!!!

Cecinatrix said...

Wow. Thank you. I always wonder if my cats get good homes. Glad to see they get one of the best possible.

About the black kitty - I know! Isn't he a fun idea. Got it off another blog. Sharing is great!

Thanks again