Friday, January 21, 2011

Open Book

Handmade books are one of the creative venues that keeps happily distracting me from the chaotic clutter of this noisy life. When I recently stumbled across the realization that I hadn't made a book in a while, I started thinking ... always an activity fraught with peril around here.

The brief period of mental gathering/physical inactivity that I call "planning" led me to the pun as tactile sarcastic object:

My life is an open book
... with nothing to say.
The pages are empty.
Ooooo - The pages are open.

Ta Da, Voila and Bingo!

Empty Book

So, let's see:
Creative impulse slaked.
Sarcastic nature indulged.
Tiny little pun-based joke made.
And it looks a lot like a rectangular Oreo.

All in all, a good week.

Hook On!

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