Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Lame' - ntation

Loss of Lion Lame'

Just found out Lion yarn is discontinuing the lame' line of crochet thread. I've used this thread for years even if it is called "yarn". I've tried other metallic threads and none of them had what Lion's lame' had. Bright, true, pure color.

There are other allegedly metallic crochet threads to be sure. Most are simply wisps of metallic tinsel wrapped around a weirdly bland, matte thread colored a sickly mustard gold. Others themselves are whisper thin dental floss with a dull edge. Closer to bronze than gold.

I shouldn't fault these manufacturers - metallic thread can't be cost effective to produce. And I can't imagine that the demand for it can offset that cost. I personally use the stuff like - well - like it's going out of style (oh bitter irony, thy wicked lash) and yet I only buy 3-4 tubes a year.

So as most fiber enthusiasts know, an artist is very particular about their supplies and fiercely devoted to their favorites. I couldn't help but get emotional about the loss of my shiny golden friend, and needed to console myself with a hackneyed clip-art laden tribute; heart-felt if cheesy.

Alas, the complete line of Lame' thread will be discontinued - there goes my beloved silver into the sepulchral mist.

Oh sure, the Lame' could be a festering pain in the gluteals to work with - it was rather stiff and scratchy and unraveled easily from the free end. But it made for stable, strong and shiny dimensional finished pieces.

They will be missed as I scour the internet for something to fill the void - probably in the embroidery aisle at some of the finer, less-expensive craft outlets.

On the up-side, the remaining lots are on sale at Lion's website. Really good price too.

I'd pick over the remains myself, but gold is long gone and my heart too heavy (and pockets too light)to consider hoarding up on the silver. Alas.

Hook On, dear friends in fiber,

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